Articles by author Alex

The Bug Genie 2 SVN Integration on Windows with VisualSVN Server

In my local development environment at home I use The Bug Genie 2 for bugtracking. The tool is quiet cool, although the german translation is totally broken (I fixed it and send it to them, let's see what happens). It comes with a module called "svn_integration" for integrating SVN into the tracker to automatically have updated issues when the SVN comments contain special keywords. That's quiet cool, too, but unfortunatly does not work for me.

I'm using Windows Vista Business x64 as os and for SVN the wonderful, free and easy VisualSVN Server. Next ugly thing on The Bug Genie is that there is no documentation for the modules. I found an entry in the forums how to use the integration in windows, but that did not work out of the box. But the code is already within the module, what is good.

So open modules/svn_integration/post_commit.phpfrom your buggenie installation directory and adjust this line with your path to the bugtracker installation dir:

define('BUGS2_INCLUDE_PATH', 'D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\bugs\\');

Then create a batch file in the same directory called post-commit.bat. You can see the source below, copy it and adjust the following variables. I used the code from the forum post and adjusted it a little. Remember that urls with whitespaces do not work, create a symlink or rename your directories:

  • Path to svnlook.exe (you see my VisualSVN Server resides in D:\VisualSVN_Server, the default location C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server does not work because of the whitespaces) VisualSVN Server has all the svn tools in its bin directory.

SET SVNLOOK=D:\VisualSVN_Server\bin\svnlook.exe
  • The path to your php executable. I used XAMPP, so it is in D:\xampp\php\php.exe if installed in root on drive D.

SET PHP=D:\xampp\php\php.exe
  • The path to your SVN directory. This is where svn stores its data.

  • The post-commit hook we create later takes two arguments from VisualSVN Server, the path and the revision. Unfortunatly VisualSVN Server uses the url as path which collides with the svnlook command we use to determine if a bug was mentioned in a revision comment, as svnlook wants the real file path.
    So we have to adjust the url to a path. As there is no real substring functionality for windows batch (or I did not search long enough) we simply count the length of our SVN url. In my case VisualSVN Server listens at https://amanda:8443/svn/, so a repository would be at https://amanda:8443/svn/my_repos. The server root (https://amanda:8443/svn/)has a length length of 24. Change the 24 to the length of your url. The batch then combines the SVN_PATH and your repository path to the local path, D:\svn\myrepos in my case here.

  • Once again, set the path to your installation directory of the bugtracker (replace D:\xampp\htdocs\bugs with your path):

%PHP% -f "D:\xampp\htdocs\bugs\modules\svn_integration\post-commit.php" "%AUTHOR%" "%REV%" "%COMMIT_MSG%" "%CHANGED%"

After your saved the file, open VisualSVN Server and the properties of your repository. Select the the Hooks tab and doubleclick the Post-commit hook. Enter the path to the batch file with the 2 arguments path and revision, in my case I entered "D:\xampp\htdocs\bugs\modules\svn_integration\post-commit.bat %1 %2", where %1 is the repository path and %2 the revision number.

Finally you have to install either WebSVN (which I prefer) or ViewVC and specify the path to your repository (in my case it is http://localhost/websvn/listing.php?repname=my_repos&) in The Bug Genie module settings for svn_integration.

One final and important hint: your user in the bugtracker has to have the same username as in SVN. By default, the first user in the tracker has the username "Administrator". My SVN user does not have the name "Administrator", so I logged out of the tracker, changed the property "uname" of the MySQL table "bugs2_users" for the admin to my SVN username, logged in and then everything worked fine.

As always, feel free to add comments and spread the word

And here the post-commit.bat code:

@echo off

REM path to svnlook (remember that paths with whitespace do not work e.g. C:\Program Files --> use mklink to create a path without)
SET SVNLOOK=D:\VisualSVN_Server\bin\svnlook.exe

REM path to php executable
SET PHP=D:\xampp\php\php.exe

REM path to svn (not url!)

REM maps the svn url to the svn path - straightforward but the easiest way
REM replace with the length of your svn url e.g. 24 for https://amanda:8443/svn/


REM SET THE COMMIT_MSG FROM THE FILE. The file is expected to contain only one line with this value

%SVNLOOK% changed -r %REV% "%REPOS%" > CHANGED
REM SET THE CHANGED FROM THE FILE. The file is expected to contain only one line with this value

%SVNLOOK% author -r %REV% "%REPOS%" > AUTHOR
REM SET THE AUTHOR FROM THE FILE. The file is expected to contain only one line with this value

%PHP% -r "echo urlencode($argv[1]);" "%COMMIT_MSG%" > URL_COMMIT_MSG
REM SET THE URL_COMMIT_MSG FROM THE FILE. The file is expected to contain only one line with this value

%PHP% -f "D:\xampp\htdocs\bugs\modules\svn_integration\post-commit.php" "%AUTHOR%" "%REV%" "%COMMIT_MSG%" "%CHANGED%"

MySQL backup script with emailing

A while ago I found a good script for backing up a MySQL database and sending it via email to a recipient here.

The script is cool, but I didn't like its structure and the fact, that you have to add the database values inline and that it can only backup a single database. For this reason I rewrote it a little and you can download it here.


  • Backup of mutliple databases
  • Sending of backups to multiple users

For every single database a mail is send and there is no file saved on the server. And wow: it's really easy to configure!

How do I use it?

  • Download the current version (0.1)
  • Adjust the backup.php (you're getting help by my wonderful comments)
  • upload everything to a directory of your choice
  • if applicable, create a cronjob to periodically execute the script

And here the backup.php that calls the appropriate classes and executes the backup (also included in the download):

ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);
// include the files
require_once "MySQLConfig.php";
require_once "MySQLBackup.php";

// add some databases to backup
// the domain will be appended to the email subject and is also included within the sql file for identification.
$cfgHost0 = new MySQLConfig("username0", "password0", "database_name0", "domain0");
$cfgHost1 = new MySQLConfig("username1", "password1", "database_name1", "domain1");

$backup = new MySQLBackup();
// the path to the directory where this script is resided
// add the database configs to backup
// the sender of the backup mail
// add some people to receive the backup
// execute the whole thing

If there are any problems or suggestions or feature wishes, please comment this post - thanks!

PS: to create a cronjob log into your server using SSH, then execute crontab -e to edit the crontab and insert for example

0 2 * * 0,3 wget -nc -q -O /dev/null

for an execution on sunday and wednesday at 2 am. Save and close the whole thing with :wq and that's it :-)