Tag python

Django with virtualenv on Webfaction

I really like the Django web framework and I like virtualenv enabling me to use different python configs and packages for different projects. And I have to say I like Webfaction, so easy, so good! (No, I don't get paid by them) This is a quick guide on how to setup Django in virtualenv using mod_wsgi with a Webfaction account.

  • Create an "mod_wsgi" application and create a website to use this application
  • connect to your accounts shell using ssh
  • enable Python 2.6.x as default Python interpreter (as written in the Webfaction documentation)

echo "alias python=python2.6" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
python -V
  • install "pip" and "virtualenv" (be sure to use easy_install-2.6 to use the setuptools of Python 2.6.x):

easy_install-2.6 -U pip
easy_install-2.6 -U virtualenv
  • I like yolk, that enables you to list the installed Python packages, install it using pip if you like

pip install yolk
  • Note that these packages (pip, virtualenv, yolk) are installed in your global Python. I recommend to not install any more packages to the global installation as virtualenv enables use to install all packages we need into the virtualenv Python lib.
  • navigate to your recently create mod_wsgi webapp, there should be 2 folders, "apache2" and "htdocs"
  • create the virtualenv for your project in the webapp folder, name it like you want, I'll use "ve" here

virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute ve
  • a new folder "ve" with the virtualenv was created. Please refer to the virtualenv documentation for more information and usage of virtualenv.
  • Now let's install yolk into the virtualenv to see which packages are in there
    • either activate the virtualenv and install or use pip magic to install into an virtualenv without activating it:

source ve/bin/activate
pip install yolk
// or
pip -E ve install yolk
  • now you activate the virtualenv and execute yolk:

source ve/bin/activate
yolk -l
  • Install Django and any requirements the same way as demonstrated for yolk.
  • Assuming you installed Django into the virtualenv and created a Django project, we now must adjust the Apache config
    • backup the httpd.conf from /webapps/<yourdjangoapp>/apache2/conf
    • create a django.wsgi file somewhere in your webapp directory (I use the conf folder of apache)
    • scan the httpd.conf for "Listen XXX", XXX ist the webapp port
    • remove the <Directory>...</Directory> segment
    • append the following telling the Apache to use the wsgi config we create in the next step:

NameVirtualHost *:<webapp-port>
<VirtualHost *:<webapp-port>> ServerName <SomeServerName> WSGIScriptAlias / /home/<your-username>/webapps/<your-webapp-name>/apache2/conf/django.wsgi </VirtualHost>
  • Edit the django.wsgi file:

import os, sys, site
# add virtualenv python libs
# append the project path to system path
# set the settings module
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '<your-django-project-name>.settings'
# init the wsgi handler
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
application = WSGIHandler()
  • Restart the Apache (/home/<your-username>/webapps/<your-webapp-name>/apache2/bin/restart) and everything should be fine!

Show Django AdminSite fields depending on the current user


The auto-created AdminSite in Django is a nifty feature for creating an administrative view of your model classes. Somehow it is not perfect, even if you want to customized it. To guide you to my problem and solution you've to know, that I implemented the SoftDelete behaviour for model classes as described by Greg Allard. It simply adds a 'deleted' field to each model marking it as deleted if its deleted in the admin site (or in some application) but never really gets deleted from the database. So in the admin site there is this field 'deleted' displayed, if you have configured it.

The Problem

My project has 2 different 'usergroups', the editors and the superusers. Superusers should see the 'deleted' fields, the others not. Unfortunatly that is not possible out of the box with Django.

The solution

I'm not the first one struggling with the user dependent display of model fields. Luke Plant found a solution for an older version of Django dealing with the field display in the add/change view. Later he updated the thing as the Django version grew. I adapted some lines of his last code for the add/change view and wrote something new to also handle the history view (that lists all model objects). I divided it into 2 subclasses of admin.ModelAdmin for better abstraction: one for the handling the user dependent queryset for SoftDelete and one for the display of the fields.


As the superusers should see the deleted field and the others not, we'll only query for the field if there is a superuser. Quite logical. The class uses the proper queryset and also returns a deleted objects if directly requested:

class SoftDeleteModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    def queryset(self, request):
        if request.user.is_superuser:
            qs = self.model._default_manager.all_with_deleted()
            qs = self.model._default_manager.all()
        ordering = self.ordering or ()
        if ordering:
            qs = qs.order_by(*ordering)
        return qs

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If a specific record was requested, return it even if it's deleted
        return self.all_with_deleted().get(*args, **kwargs)

    def filter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If pk was specified as a kwarg, return even if it's deleted
        if 'pk' in kwargs:
            return self.all_with_deleted().filter(*args, **kwargs)
        return self.get_query_set().filter(*args, **kwargs)


For the display of the field depending on the current user you have to inherit from the UserDependentModelAdmin class as listed below. Adjust the ModelAdmin class and add list_display_editors (for all users != superuser) and list_display_superuser (for superusers) tuples with the field names for the appropriate user (I'll only use a field called name and the deleted field):

class SomeAdmin(SoftDeleteModelAdmin, UserDependentModelAdmin):
    list_display = ()

    # editor fields and fieldsets
    list_display_editor = ('name',)
    fieldsets_editor = [(None, { 'fields': ['name'] })]

    # superuser fields and fieldsets
    list_display_superuser = list_display_editor + ('deleted',)
    fieldsets_superuser = [(None, { 'fields': ['name', 'deleted'] })]

All other magic is done by the UserDependentModelAdmin class. It simply changes the list_display field in the history view depending on the user and sets some prerequisites. The get_fieldset method returns the fields for the add/change view, this is nearly the same code Luke Plant wrote.

csrf_protect_m = method_decorator(csrf_protect)

class UserDependentModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    User dependent admin model.
    This class allows to specify tuples of the listed fields and displayed fieldsets
    for the editors and superusers.
    def __init__(self, model, admin_site):
        Class constructor, adding actions an/or links for the user fields.
        :param model: the model the admin site is created for
        :param admin_site: the admin site
        # this is performed regularly on the list_display tuple
        # do the same for the additional list_display fields
        super(UserDependentModelAdmin, self).__init__(model, admin_site)

    ## Adds actions and/or links for the list_display tuple of the given user
    # definid list_type.
    # @param list_type  the list_display type, currently 'editor' for editors or 'superuser' for superuser
    def _add_actions_and_links_for_list_display(self, list_type):
        if 'action_checkbox' not in getattr(self, 'list_display_' + list_type) and self.actions is not None:
                'list_display_' + list_type,
                ['action_checkbox'] +list(getattr(self, 'list_display_' + list_type))
        if not self.list_display_links:
            for name in getattr(self, 'list_display_' + list_type):
                if name != 'action_checkbox':
                    self.list_display_links = [name]

    def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
        View for listing the models.
        Adjusts the list_display tuple according to the current user.
        :param request: the sent request
        :param extra_content: an additional context
        if request.user.is_superuser:
            self.list_display = self.list_display_superuser
            self.list_display = self.list_display_editor
        return super(UserDependentModelAdmin, self).changelist_view(request, extra_context=extra_context)

    def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None):
        Returns the fieldsets depending on the user.
        :param request: the sent request
        :param obj: the model object if already persisted
        if request.user is None or request.user.is_anonymous():
            # never get here normally
            return ()
            if request.user.is_superuser:
                return self.fieldsets_superuser
                return self.fieldsets_editor